Painting 28mm Vietnam Marines

I’ve finally found a paint recipe for 28mm US Vietnam troops that I like. Most period photographs show the uniforms to be pretty green, whereas many paint recipes that I’ve found are too dark or too much on the brownish side. I also struggled with highlighting. I’ve used Vallejo Olive Green before (for my 15mm Sci-Fi miniatures) and highlighted with Vallejo Golden Olive, but this is too yellowish here. The key was to highlight more towards grey. The brownish colors can be highlighted with Vallejo Iraqi Sand.

All colors are either Vallejo Model Color or P3.

  • Uniform base color: Vallejo Medium Olive
  • Uniform wash: P3 Thornwood Green
  • Uniform highlights: Vallejo Green Grey/Pastel Green
  • Flak vests: P3 Battledress Green
  • Webbing, top of boots: P3 Traitor Green
  • Radio: Vallejo Russian Uniform WWII
  • Helmet cover base: Vallejo Khaki
  • Helmet cover green patches: P3 Gnarls Green


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