
Painting 28mm Vietnam Marines

I’ve finally found a paint recipe for 28mm US Vietnam troops that I like. Most period photographs show the uniforms to be pretty green, whereas many paint recipes that I’ve found are too dark or too much on the brownish side. I also struggled with highlighting. I’ve used Vallejo Olive […]

Painting Tau infantry

The Tau (or T’au, as they are written now) are my favorite Warhammer 40K faction – as a matter of fact, they are the only faction that interest me both from a lore and a visual standpoint. I’ve long resisted the urge to start a Tau army (I even own […]

Airbrush essentials

I’ve got a bit of a love/hate relationship with airbrushing for painting models and miniatures. You can get great results, but you need quite some time for preparation and especially cleaning afterwards, so you probably want to plan an hour or so for an airbrush session. There’s also a learning […]

Review: AK Interactive weathering pencils

I recently stumbled upon AK Interactive’s weathering pencils. They look like normals pencils, but are made of a waxy substance that is water-soluble. To get this ouf of the way: The ads make it sound like they might be The Best Thing Ever, but they are certainly not magic. Getting […]

Tau paint schemes and markings

Paint schemes According to the fluff, the Tau use appropriate camouflage for the environment they are fighting in. This means that you could use pretty much any paint scheme that you want, as long as you come up with a backstory for why this serves to blend into the environment. […]

PanOceania miniatures

These are the PanOceania miniatures I have finished so far. I started out with the Operation Icestorm and Beyond Icestorm sets, and then added more miniatures. I decided to stick to the “official” paint scheme, as blue is my favourite color! I have plenty more waiting to be painted, next […]

Battletech goes green

I finally managed to get a company of Battlemechs in a new green paint scheme finished. The base color is Vallejo Medium Olive, highlighted with Olive Green and Golden Olive. I plan on repainting most of my non-Kurita ‘Mechs in this scheme, since the bright green looks much beter on […]

X-Wing repaints and modifications

While the miniatures for Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing game come prepainted (well), there’s always room for improvement. I’ve painted engine glow where appropriate, to make it look like those engines are actually powered up. Some people even do LED modifications on the larger ships! As shown elsewhere, I converted my […]


No German Cold War army is complete without a Panzerabwehrhubschrauber 1 for some air support. While Revell had offerings in 1/32 and 1/48 scale, the only 1/72 kit of the MBB Bo 105 is by Airfix and long out of production. Luckily, I managed to find one on ebay, complete […]

B-Wing modified

The only must-have ship in wave 3 of FFG’s X-Wing game was, to me, the B-Wing. I ordered one as soon as it was available, and it’s a cool-looking miniature and a nice addition to my Rebel fleet. I didn’t like the upright pose, though (the B-Wing is usually displayed […]

The Hot War is on!

My Hot War project has made considerable progress. US forces now consist of four M1 Abrams, two M3 Bradley, an M60A3 TTS, and several fireteams of infantry. West German forces are two Leopard 2 A4, two Marder 1 A2, a Fuchs, a MAN 7t gl, and 24 infantrymen. Both forces […]