Updated for 2024
I’m once again in the planning stages of a Vietnam wargaming project. After previous attempts in 10mm and 20mm, I’ve now decided to go for 28mm. There’s just so much more detail on the miniatures that for Skirmish games, I now consider 28mm the way to go. It’s thus time to take a look at the miniatures that are available in this scale.
Gringo 40s
What started out as a range aiming at the US Marines in Hué has grown into a very large Vietnam range. On the US side there’s Marines, Army, Special Forces, USAF Air Crew, and a few miniatures for the firefight at the Saigon embassy during Tet 1968. For South Vietnam there’s ARVN and Ruff-Puffs. Both the NVA and Viet Cong ranges are extensive and there are a few civilians available, too. Great miniatures, sold individually at a fair price. They currently also sell three vehicles: a nice looking M48, the Mechanical Mule with recoilless rifle, and the M151 MUTT.
Empress are known for the Ultra-Modern miniatures, but they also sell a range of Vietnam miniatures. Besides a range for the French war, there’s a few animals and carts, and civilians. The US war releases initially aimed at Hué and thus consisted of Marines and NVA. Later additions are ANZAC, Viet Cong, and ARVN. Empress also sells quite a number of vehicles, including the M48 Patton, the M113, the M151, and the Ontos. For the ANZACs there’s a Centurion and Land Rover. Sold in packs of 4, Empress makes very nice miniatures that should mix well with the Gringo 40s miniatures, even if they are a bit skinnier.
The Assault Group
The Tag Up Country range has been out for quite a while. The miniatures a more gamey than those by the two previous manufacturers, more beefy and with oversized weapons, But the miniatures have character and the range is extensive – there’s US Army, US Special Forces, NVA, Viet Cong, and even ANZACs. TAG also sell a very affordable M113 in standard and ACAV version. Infantry are sold in sets of four.
An older range, scale is closer to 25mm than 28mm. Miniatures are mostly sold in larger packs. Most interesting is probably their Vietnamese civilians set, although this former gap is now also being filled by other manufacturers.
Mostly ANZAC troops, as one would expect from an Australian manufacturer. They also sell an M113. Probably a good choice if you want to go ANZAC.
Parkfield Miniatures
US, NVA, and VC, sold individually. Quite cheap, but not as nice as Gringo 40s and Empress. There are several interesting miniatures here such as a photographer and Lt. Col. Kilgore from Apocalypse Now.
Full Metal Miniatures
A relatively young range, if I’m not mistaken, that by now covers a lot of bases. The US releases aim at Hué-style Marines. Other ranges are NVA, VC, and Khmer Rouge troops, all mostly sold in sets of four. Also available are riverine craft, a number of vehicles (including the M42 Duster, and a Centurion for the ANZAC lovers). The Civilian range is quite extensive.
If you want to do Hué, like me, there’s a lot of choice: Gringo 40s, Empress, and Full Metal Miniatures. If you want to go US Army (i.e. no flak vests), there’s less choice, and Gringo 40s and TAG might be your best option. Most vehicles are available. For helicopters, you need to look for 1/48 scale model kits.