
About Gaming

How to have fun at Fortnite

I have long ignored the phenomenon that is Fortnite. I tried it briefly on the Nintendo Switch a couple of years ago but didn’t like it. It wasn’t until my son reached gaming age that I was forced to take a second look. Now behind the PC (as he occupies […]

Defining conflicts in the history of the Battletech universe

Battletech is about war. “In the future there’s only war” paraphrases a quote about the Warhammer 40K universe, but it is equally applicable to the Battletech universe. Here’s an overview of the most important conflicts and how they lend themselves to gaming. 4th Succession War, 3028-3030 This is the most […]

Painting Tau infantry

The Tau (or T’au, as they are written now) are my favorite Warhammer 40K faction – as a matter of fact, they are the only faction that interest me both from a lore and a visual standpoint. I’ve long resisted the urge to start a Tau army (I even own […]

Airbrush essentials

I’ve got a bit of a love/hate relationship with airbrushing for painting models and miniatures. You can get great results, but you need quite some time for preparation and especially cleaning afterwards, so you probably want to plan an hour or so for an airbrush session. There’s also a learning […]

Review: AK Interactive weathering pencils

I recently stumbled upon AK Interactive’s weathering pencils. They look like normals pencils, but are made of a waxy substance that is water-soluble. To get this ouf of the way: The ads make it sound like they might be The Best Thing Ever, but they are certainly not magic. Getting […]

Tau paint schemes and markings

Paint schemes According to the fluff, the Tau use appropriate camouflage for the environment they are fighting in. This means that you could use pretty much any paint scheme that you want, as long as you come up with a backstory for why this serves to blend into the environment. […]

Star Wars Legion online resources

After a two-year hiatus due to Covid, l’m finally getting back into Star Wars Legion. I’ve started painting miniatures again and I’m making plans for more terrain. I’ve got enough terrain for a Mos Eisley-style table and an Urban table (with terrain that I also use for Infinity), but I […]

Pokémon Let’s Go vs. Sword & Shield

My son and I have finished playing through both Let’s Go Pikachu and Sword & Shield on the Nintendo Switch, so here’s a short comparison. Setting As Let’s Go is a remake of Pokémon Yellow, one of the first Pokémon games, it is set in the Kanto region, and the […]

Getting started with the Pokémon TCG

Pokémon is the only franchise that has achieved the holy quaternity for a media franchise: A long-running TV series Successful video games A mainstream board or card game Lots of merchandising While Star Wars is close, it has always been predominantly a movie franchise, with the TV series being less […]

Operation Kaldstrom

I’ve finally finished painting my Operation Kaldstrom PanOceania miniatures. Since these are WinterForce troops, I wanted to reflect this in in the basing. I used some Ziterdes White Frost tufts along with Games Workshop’s Valhallan Blizzard snow effect. Valhallan Blizzard is quite easy to work with, but dries a bit […]

Essential ingredients of skirmish wargaming rules

After playing many different rules and games, and reading about infantry warfare, here are several mechanics that I consider to be essential if a game is to approximate real combat. I will also take a look at how these are treated by a number of skirmish rule sets that I’m […]

28mm buildings for Hué

Most Vietnam wargaming focuses on fighting in the countryside, usually jungle or rice paddies. This means that there is a very limited number of buildings for sale that is suitable for Hué. But what is a suitable building? Many buildings, especially in the part south of the Perfume river, where […]